
 The results 1 to 9 from 9
Spearing Muskrats in Winter
Spearing Muskrats in Winter
31.25 x 23.25 inches
Price: $179.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Dakota Encampment
Dakota Encampment
31.25 x 23.25 inches
Price: $179.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Ball Play on the Ice
Ball Play on the Ice
32.50 x 26.50 inches
Price: $189.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Ballplay of the Dakotas
Ballplay of the Dakotas
14.00 x 11.00 inches
Price: $9.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Gathering Wild Rice
Gathering Wild Rice
32.25 x 26.25 inches
Price: $184.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Dog Dance of the Dakotas
Dog Dance of the Dakotas
32.25 x 26.25 inches
Price: $184.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Indian Woman Dressing a Buffalo Skin
Indian Woman Dressing a Buffalo Skin
24.50 x 26.38 inches
Price: $169.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Indian Woman Dressing a Buffalo Skin
Indian Woman Dressing a Buffalo Skin
30.00 x 32.38 inches
Price: $219.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman
Ballplay of the Dakota on the St. Peters River in Winter
Ballplay of the Dakota on the St. Peters River in Winter
28.00 x 24.00 inches
Price: $24.99
Actors / Peter Gallagher
Seth Eastman

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